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[filme] Ocupar é resistir! To occupy is to resist! Besetzen ist Widerstand!

[filme] Ocupar é resistir! To occupy is to resist! Besetzen ist Widerstand!

Dezembro 13, 2020 - 15:54
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Apoie o longa sobre as lutas dos estudantes nas escolas ocupadas no estado do Rio de Janeiro em 2016!

Support the making of the documentary of the student’s struggles in Rio de Janeiro’s occupied schools in 2016!

Unterstütze die Fertigstellung des Dokumentarfilm der SchülerInnen und ihrer Kämpfe in besetzten Schulen im Bundesstaat von Rio de Janeiro im Jahr 2016!


Português >>> English >>>> German

Passados 4 anos dos eventos que resultaram na ocupação de mais de 80 escolas estaduais em território fluminense, ousamos resgatar aspectos que marcaram esse ciclo de lutas -- a autonomia e auto-organização. Esta é prova de que a luta educa!

Este teaser é um "gostinho" do que está por vir. Um trabalho de muitas mãos e muitos sonhos. Esperamos com esse registro das lutas travadas pelos ex-alunos reascender os debates sobre o movimento pela educação.

Contribua com esta campanha para arrecadar recursos para realizar a produção e pós-produção de um filme sobre as ocupações dos estudantes secundaristas do estado do Rio de Janeiro, em 2016, através deste link:

Objetivo do filme é apresentar, organizar e documentar este conjunto de episódio e lições de luta, mostrando as dificuldades e as soluções que ocuparam a vida daqueles estudantes naquele ano, para uma reflexão e, acima de tudo, como uma inspiração para o presente e o futuro.

As ocupações se iniciaram em 21 de março de 2016 na Ilha do Governador, município do Rio de Janeiro e se espalharam pelo estado por vários meses. Durante esse período as/os jovens tiveram que lidar com as diversas situações de negociação e enfrentamento. Os métodos e as lições tiradas por cada relação partiu majoritariamente da autonomia, do improviso e da criatividade das/os próprias/os estudantes. Com isso, as escolas ocupadas se tornaram um palco espetacular de luta e autoformação política, comprovando que a luta educa!

Estas/es jovens se depararam com as várias nuances de uma luta contra o autoritarismo e a ardilosidade das instituições e seus representantes, que partem desde a intenção de manipulação à violência. Aliado a isso está a criatividade para lidar com tais situações, a auto-organização e o desejo libertário por uma escola que emancipa, repleta de pensamento crítico e de vida, em substituição a uma enfadonha instituição disciplinar, que utiliza os mesmos métodos de obediência há mais de dois séculos.

Para que o filme possa ser realizado, necessitaremos de pelo menos esta quantia para a conclusão da produção e pós-produção. O CMI é um coletivo independente e não possui fins lucrativos, toda o seu financiamento provém da doação de seus membros e apoiadores.

Para contato:



In 2016 an incredible movement took place in schools across Brazil with students occupying their school buildings in an self-organized manner in defense of quality public education acessible to all.

Four years after the events that resulted in the occupation of more than 80 state schools across the state of Rio de Janeiro, we dare to rescue aspects that marked this cycle of struggles - autonomy and self-organization, living proofs that the struggle educates!

The teaser is a "taste" of what is to come, a long documentary based on hundreds of hours of footage from within the struggle, filmed in the midst of the occupations. A work of many hands and many dreams. We hope with this record of the struggles of the former students to revive the debates on the movement for education.

For the finalization of the documentary, we ask if you can contribute with this campaign to raise funds for the production and post-production of a film on the occupations of high school students in the state of Rio de Janeiro in 2016, through this link:

The objective of the film is to present, organize and document this set of episodes and lessons of struggle, showing the difficulties and solutions that marked the lives of those students that year, for reflection and, above all, as an inspiration for the present and the future.

The occupations began on 21 March 2016 on the Ilha do Governador - Governor's Island, in the city of Rio de Janeiro and spread throughout the state and lasted for several months. During this period young people had to deal with various situations of negotiation and confrontation. The methods applied and lessons learned were mostly based on the autonomy, improvisation and creativity of the students themselves. With this, the busy schools became a spectacular stage of struggle and political self-training, proving that struggle educates!

These young people got to know various nuances of struggle against authoritarianism and the cunningness of institutions and their representatives, whose practices go from the intents of manipulation to the application of violence. The students showed great creativity to deal with such situations, based on self-organization and the libertarian desire for a school that emancipates, full of critical thinking and life, in substitution of a boring disciplinary institution that uses the same methods of obedience for more than two centuries.

For the film, with the production process already way more than half way through, to be finished, we need to gather the amount of this campaign for the completion of production and post-production. Indymedia Brazil – CMI Brasil is an independent and non-profit collective, all its funding comes from the donation of its members and supporters.

Indymedia-Brazil - CMI:

For contact:



Im Jahr 2016 fand in Schulen quer durch Brasilien eine unglaubliche Bewegung statt, bei der SchülerInnen ihre Schulgebäude auf selbstorganisierte Weise besetzten, um eine qualitativ hochwertige öffentliche Bildung zu verteidigen, die für alle zugänglich ist.

Vier Jahre nach den Ereignissen, die in dieser Zeit zur Besetzung von mehr als 80 staatlichen Schulen im Bundesstaat von Rio de Janeiro führten, nehmen wir uns zur Aufgabe, wichtige Merkmale hervorzuheben, die diesen Zyklus von Kämpfen kennzeichneten - Autonomie und Selbstorganisation. Ein lebendiger Beweis, dass sozialer Kampf bildet!

Der Teaser des Dokumentarfilms, den wir fertigstellen wollen, ist ein "Vorgeschmack" auf das, was noch kommen wird. Ein Werk von vielen Händen und vielen Träumen basierend auf hunderten von Stunden von Filmmaterial, dass inmitten der Besetzungen aufgenommen wurde. Wir hoffen, mit der filmischen Dokumentation dieser Kämpfe der ehemaligen SchülerInnen die Debatten über die Bewegung für Bildung neu zu entfachen.

Tragt durch Eure Unterstützung dieser Kampagne dazu bei, Mittel für die Produktion und Postproduktion eines Films über die Berufe von SchülerInnen im Bundesstaat Rio de Janeiro im Jahr 2016 zu sammeln. über diesen Link:

Das Ziel des Films ist es, diese Reihe von Episoden und Lektionen des Kampfes zu ordnen und zu dokumentieren, Schwierigkeiten und Lösungen zu zeigen, die das Leben dieser Schüler in jenem Jahr beschäftigten, zur Reflexion und vor allem als Inspiration für soziale Kämpfe in Gegenwart und Zukunft.

Die Besetzungen begannen am 21. März 2016 auf der Ilha do Governador - Gouverneursinsel, in der Stadt von Rio de Janeiro, und breiteten sich über mehrere Monate im ganzen Bundesstaat aus. In dieser Zeit mussten sich die Jugendlichen mit den verschiedenen Verhandlungs- und Konfrontationssituationen auseinandersetzen. Ihre Methoden und Ansätze, wie sie auf die jeweiligen Herausforderungen reagierten, basierten dabei meist auf der Autonomie, Improvisation und Kreativität der SchülerInnen selbst. Damit wurden die besetzten Schulen zu einer spektakulären Bühne des Kampfes und politischer Selbstbildung und bewiesen, dass sozialer Kampf bildet!

Diese jungen Menschen haben dabei die verschiedenen Nuancen eines Kampfes gegen den Autoritarismus der Institutionen und ihrer VertreterInnen kennengelernt, die von dem Versuch der Manipulation bis zu physischer Gewalt gehen. Sie zeigten viel Kreativität, mit solchen Situationen umzugehen, durch Selbstorganisation und basierend auf dem libertären Wunsch nach einer emanzipierten Schule, voller kritischem Denken und Leben, als Ersatz für eine langweilige Disziplinarinstitution, die seit mehr als zwei Jahrhunderten die gleichen Methoden des Gehorsams anwendet.

Damit der Film, dessen Produktionsprozess schon recht weit fortgeschritten ist, wirklich fertig gestellt werden kann, benötigen den Betrag dieser Kampagne für die Produktion und Postproduktion. Indymedia Brasilien – CMI Brasil ist ein unabhängiges und gemeinnütziges Kollektiv, das sich ausschließlich durch die Spenden seiner Mitglieder und Unterstützer finanziert.

Indymedia-Brasilien - CMI:


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We will systematically go thr0ugh a series 0f steps of t0tally damaging y0ur reputation. First your database will be leaked 0r sold to the highest bidder which they will use with whatever their intentions are. Next if there are e-mails found they will be e-mailed that their inf0rmation has been s0ld or leaked and your site was at fault thusly damaging your reputation and having angry customers/ass0ciates with whatever angry customers/ass0ciates do. Lastly any links that you have indexed in the search engines will be de-indexed based off of blackhat techniques that we used in the past to de-index 0ur targets.

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We are willing t0 refrain fr0m destroying y0ur site’s reputation f0r a small fee. The current fee is $3000 in bitcoins (.16 BTC).

Please send the bitcoin to the f0ll0wing Bitcoin address (Make sure t0 copy and paste):


once you have paid we will aut0matically get informed that it was y0ur payment. Please n0te that you have to make payment within 5 days after receiving this e-mail 0r the database leak, e-mails dispatched, and de-index 0f your site WiLL start!

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Y0u can easily buy bitcoins via several websites 0r even 0ffline fr0m a Bitcoin-ATM.

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This is n0t a h0ax, do not reply to this email, don’t try t0 reason 0r negotiate, we will not read any replies. 0nce y0u have paid we will stop what we were d0ing and you will never hear fr0m us again!

Please note that Bitcoin is anonym0us and n0 0ne will find 0ut that y0u have c0mplied.

Your Site Has Been Hacked


We have hacked your website and extracted your databases.

How did this happen?

Our team has found a vulnerability within your site that we were able to exploit. After finding the vulnerability we were able to get your database credentials and extract your entire database and move the information to an offshore server.

What does this mean?

We will systematically go through a series of steps of totally damaging your reputation. First your database will be leaked or sold to the highest bidder which they will use with whatever their intentions are. Next if there are e-mails found they will be e-mailed that their information has been sold or leaked and your was at fault thusly damaging your reputation and having angry customers/associates with whatever angry customers/associates do. Lastly any links that you have indexed in the search engines will be de-indexed based off of blackhat techniques that we used in the past to de-index our targets.

How do I stop this?

We are willing to refrain from destroying your site’s reputation for a small fee. The current fee is $3000 in bitcoins (0.14 BTC).

The amount(approximately): $3000 (0.14 BTC)
The Address Part 1: bc1qc7ujzextq352sygfk
The Address Part 2: qcs4tsg7e88m0ktmc9jng

So, you have to manually copy + paste Part1 and Part2 in one string made of 42 characters with no space between the parts that start with "b" and end with "g" is the actually address where you should send the money to.

Once you have paid we will automatically get informed that it was your payment. Please note that you have to make payment within 72 hours after receiving this message or the database leak, e-mails dispatched, and de-index of your site WILL start!

How do I get Bitcoins?

You can easily buy bitcoins via several websites or even offline from a Bitcoin-ATM.

What if I don’t pay?

If you decide not to pay, we will start the attack at the indicated date and uphold it until you do, there’s no counter measure to this, you will only end up wasting more money trying to find a solution. We will completely destroy your reputation amongst google and your customers.

This is not a hoax, do not reply to this email, don’t try to reason or negotiate, we will not read any replies. Once you have paid we will stop what we were doing and you will never hear from us again!

Please note that Bitcoin is anonymous and no one will find out that you have complied.





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